Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)
The launch of this website marks an important milestone in Radio Democracy’s efforts to promote the ideals of open and transparent government and contribute towards universal access to information in Sierra Leone. At Radio Democracy, we recognise that operating in a post-conflict country like Sierra Leone that is grappling to imbibe the principles of democracy and good governance can be challenging. Nonetheless, we are committed to collaborate with our numerous partners to produce and disseminate news, views and analysis of stories and issues in a professional and unbiased manner.
As a media house, we have our core values guiding our news production, editorials and operations in general. First, we are committed to promoting accountability in governance and society as a whole; we therefore make it our priority to investigate and report on issues and generate debates around accountability both in the public and private sectors. We also strive to maintain a balance in our reports and broadcast; we therefore grant space for the voices of different individuals, groups and perspectives on issues we cover. Finally, in the midst of a difficult economic and financial landscape, we strive to maintain independence, high ethical standards and attain professional excellence.
This website is an alternative platform for disseminating news and information material produced by Radio Democracy, to reach audiences beyond the limits of our broadcast airwaves. It includes features for downloadable versions of daily news headlines, detailed local and international news stories and our flagship programmes among others. We urge our many listeners and online audiences to have their say in the things we do by sending comments via this web site or through our other web-based channels like Facebook and Twitter. Your contributions and feedback are undoubtedly important to our work.
I take this opportunity to thank the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) for their consistent support to Radio Democracy over the past years, ensuring we meet our mandate, goal and objectives, but also to register profound appreciation for providing the financial support to create this website. We look forward to future opportunities to strengthen our partnership and creating synergies in our mutual efforts towards a transparent, open and progressive society in Sierra Leone.
I wish you a happy viewing.